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Project Design And Feasibility Studies:

From our team iDEA TREE supporting individual organization (firms, manufacturing units and development initiatives) to formulate an effective project design and conduct related feasibility studies. Our expert team have contributed several industries to set up a new or extention project design and related others services.

iDEA TREE designed the project of Business Partnerships Platform, Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP) project is jointly financed by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and the World Bank, SUSI Scholars: Small Grant Application (employability skills).  In those projects iDEA TREE planned out projects proposals and concept notes (including  purpose,  challenges, methodologies, impacts, risks and risks mitigations, proposed target, inductive budget and major deliverables).

iDEA TREE conducted Feasibility study and Development of Business Plan to Established CFC in Kaluhati Footwear Cluster, Rajshahi, SHIMMY Pulse Project on technology adaptation of Bangladeshi RMG sector focusing on women empowerment issues.

 Supply chain and value chain analysis:

We have an expert pool with a wide range of industry engagements for designing an efficient supply chain and value chain analysis for several sectors. Having a sound network over the formal and informal sectors we are very confident to accomplish your expectations by any sort of value chain and supply chain analysis.

In those analysis iDEA TREE follows inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics,  marketing and sales and services for value chain analysis and we follows product development, marketing, operations, distributions, finance and customer services for supply chain analysis. iDEA TREE conducted Mapping the Supply chain of Leather Sector and Key Drivers for Child labor funded by TDH and ETI.  Also involved as a knowledge partner of USAID funded PRICE project value chain analysis for the leather, leathergoods and Footwear industries. We try to gives companies a competitive advantage in the industry by value chain analysis and gives leads to overall customer satisfaction by Supply chain analysis.

A Standardization, Certification:

We are supporting our partner organizations (client) by providing technical assistance on implementation of ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and also BSCI, WRA iDEA TREE gives a standards of any products or services and also provide guidelines by an assessment.  Our Team of experts is having accreditation and affiliation with international standardization bodies including national (BAB), we can support your organization to have any certifications procedure including implementation and follow up of the progress.

LWG:  Leather working group is the most prestigious certification for leather. We are happy to announce that now, iDEA TREE has the capacity to access your facility for LWG certification and make a plan for improvements to achieve the international recognition. We are also supporting our clients by made Green Tannery, LWG orientation, technical assistance and LWG Implementation by national and international experts.

Kaizen implementation: Recently iDEA TREE implementing Productivity and Quality Improvement of SMEs through KAIZEN funded by SME Foundation. The progress to the improvement was found very effective by the sponsoring authorities.

Project evaluation and progress monitoring:


A strong leadership team is critical to business success. Idea Tree knows what teams need to reach their goals and how to put them on a path toward higher performance. Our leadership team assessment and alignment process yields targeted, actionable feedback for both leaders and the team, using coaching techniques that drive them to achieve great results.

  • Team Assessment:

Most people are able to describe what a high performing team looks like, but struggle to accurately describe the gaps between their team and ideal. The team assessment process encourages team members to reflect on how the team is working together, and offers targeted feedback to team members. Our work starts with understanding your company’s strategy, goals, and processes, allowing us to assess the team’s strengths and weakness against their deliverables, what set the Idea Tree approach apart is the sense of shared purpose we help teams realize.

  • Team Coaching:

The promise of a team is that its value is greater than the sum of its parts – individual performance rises as a result of being on a great team. The truth is, this is rarely the case. The full potential of many teams often remains locked away by distractions and disconnections, poor habits and inefficiency, and a good people working at cross purposes.

The Idea Tree team coaching model embraces a feedback-rich, highly interactive process that requires each team member to shape the direction for the team’s work moving forward. With both team and individual goals established, the team works through real business issues under the guidance of a team coach, strengthening the unit, providing real-time opportunities for development and most importantly improving the team’s performance.


We use proven techniques to diagnose and improve organizational and operational effectiveness, focusing on getting results that support our client’s business strategies. Our approach helps build leadership engagement and employee involvement in meeting objectives. Our operational effectiveness work builds alignment on the leadership behavior that drives safety, quality and reliability.

  • Leadership Assessment and Alignment:

In order to achieve alignment on safety and quality in an organization, the management team must exhibit strong leadership behaviors that demonstrate unity around goals and strategies. The Idea Tree Leadership Assessment and Alignment process helps an operational site’s management team consistency execute the behaviors necessary to turn around performance. We strengthen and align the management team through a series of assessment interviews, feedback sessions and intensive coaching, all leading to sustained improvement in operational safety, quality and production result

Talent management and succession planning:


Our Leadership Fit Assessment process goes beyond merely identifying and developing top talent. We make sure the talent fits both your company’s culture and the job at hand. We do this by first understanding your business model and strategy, key deliverables and culture. Then we run it through the filter of our experience-based knowledge of what makes certain leadership cultures successful. The result is insightful developmental assessments that can be used to jump-start executive development.

Selection Assessment:

Hiring the right person for the right job is hard. You’ve found a candidate with sterling credentials, but will they fit with your culture? Or, you’ve found the person who’s the perfect fit for the job, but do they have the depth of talent to grow to the next level? Our Leadership Fit Assessment makes sure neither of these essential qualities is neglected, helping you select the top talent that is right for your company. You’ll receive a customized report that answers the specific questions you should be asking about the candidate you hope to hire, while providing an in-depth picture of the individual, his/her strength, weakness, and whether this person is likely to succeed within your culture.

Capacity building and trainings:

Employee level awareness and training:iDEA TREE offering a very significant track record for the manufacturing industries of about 40 numbers of units are involved by our employee training facilities by awareness training and sensitizations sessions. From 2015 to till date we have completed around 950 training sessions.

Leadership Coaching:

Helping top talent prepare for additional responsibility pays real dividends. An investment in leadership coaching yields the critical skills needed to accelerate your leaders to the next level. The Idea Tree coaching process is based on an understanding of the central role that on-the-job learning has in development, balanced with the knowledge that a strong connection between your top talent and our coach is essential. Idea Tree coaches foster a trusting yet focused approach, enabling straightforward conversation and the ability to challenge leaders to realize their highest potential and make a greater positive impact on the success of your business.

Executive on-Boarding:

Leaders who move into a new role have a short window to build momentum and set a foundation for long-term success. The Idea Tree approach to transition coaching combines the New Leader Assimilation process with in-depth knowledge of the leader and a deep understanding of what is needed for success in the new role, and within your company’s culture. Our process also includes a structured six month transition coaching engagement that includes specific deliverables designed to track the new leader’s progress.

Refreshers session for each layer:

We provide refresher training for every layer in any organization. This will help keep important knowledge fresh and current. It builds long-term memory, reduces mistakes and improves productivity, offers an effective warm-up for employees who have taken a break, keeps coworkers on the same page and makes learning parts of the culture, keeps employees up-to-date on industry training, helps learners remember important but seldom-used information, develops managers into future instructors—and vice versa, and identifies knowledge gaps and training needs.

Capacity building and certification:

We offering customized solutions for your organization to improve technical and management capabilities, modernize production methods, diversify products and services, expand into new markets and ensure safe and decent working conditions for workers. These services include business planning, human resource development, product design, production improvements, inventory control, marketing, and finance. First of all we are conducting an assessment and identifying the gaps and give corrective action plan and also we can support your organization to have any certifications procedure and implementation.

By these services your organization enjoys inclusive and sustainable growth, at the same time SMEs improved their employability and performances at workplaces; and increased productivity, efficiency, and improved working conditions.

360 Feedbacks:

We all can use a little help seeing ourselves more clearly. 360 degree feedback enhances a leader’s insight into their leadership effectiveness, strength, weakness, and their impact on others. This helps them recognize blind spots and refine and develop the skills they need to manage more effectively. We provide developmental recommendations that are practical and actionable, with a focus on the opportunities for growth that occur naturally at your company. Our feedback process also makes sure participants are prepared for continued learning and growth.

Top rated training sessions:

  • Social and Environmental compliance
  • Productivity Improvement Technique (PIT)
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Footwear and goods manufacturing
  • Basic pattern making and CAD
  • Quality assurance

Developmental Assessment:

Ultimately the personal growth of an individual is in their own hands. But a business model that relies on little more than hope that your top talent will develop into what you need them to be is not an approach for today’s competitive environment. So, how do you help top talent accelerate their development? Set clear expectations around the need for growth and give them tools to leverage their strengths in new ways while managing better around their flat spots. Our developmental assessment process is built to ensure that insight leads directly to action. We use a variety of proven strategies to push participants to make use of the feedback to develop new leadership skills and management behaviors.

Business incubation and financial planning:

iDEA TREE facilitated entrepreneurship development program through incubation initiative. By this service one and individual entrepreneur or a business startup unit able mentorship support regarding business and operational issues.  We are offering also customized service packages for our clients or clusters. Idea TREE also has a significant contribution for the clusters of Leather and Footwear

Strategic partnership:

iDEA TREE already has strategic partnerships with 30 manufacturing factory, 8 consultancy firm, and 3 associations. We are offering more strategic partnership with different types of organization. The implicit matter of strategic partnership is long-term mutuality of interest and of joint decision-making.

Social and environmental solutions: 

We are doing social and environmental screening, impact assessment, natural resource management, green factory, sustainability practice and certification if they want.

ICT and innovation planning:

iDEA TREE not only create high business value for our clients but also helps to critical thinking for sustainability. We facilitated SME’s & new entrepreneur’s to involve in e-commerce & f-commerce by continuous mentoring.   

We are providing following services:

  • Web Design and Development
  • Domain & Web Hosting
  • IT Training
  • Software Development
  • E-commerce Solution
  • Computer networking

Energy and efficiency improvement scheme:

iDEA TREE experts know how to use energy to improve efficiency by efficient use of traditional energy sources, energy management, energy distribution and conversion, manufacturing technology, best practices for industrial energy efficiency improvement. We also provide services for Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Facilities:

Energy Efficiency Assessment involves the comprehensive analysis of energy use within a process, facility, site or organization and using that analysis to identify and evaluate ways to improve energy performance.  We perform Energy Audit by an expert team of Certified Energy auditor, Energy consultant, Technical experts, Electrical Engineer, Chemical Engineer, Business Administrator, Environmental & Maintenance staffs. We have a sound track record in the energy assessment for various industries like, garments, plastic, light engineering and leather. Individually our consultants are also well recognized in the field of development support for different development partners and relevant government agencies.

·        Level-1 Audit: Walk through and quick inspection, providing recommendation in shorter form excluding detail method and calculation.

·        Level-2 Audit: Detailed energy usage and bill analysis, evaluating existing efficiency and conditions, identifying scope of improvement with implementation method, benefit and simple pay back calculation, pre-implementation measurement and verification.

·        Level-3 Audit: All criteria of level 2 audit, economic evaluation and life cycle costing, Depreciation cost analysis, net present value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) analysis.

Available Services: We are working to develop, design, build projects that save energy, reduce energy costs, and decrease operations and maintenance costs at our customers’ facilities. Our services are listed in below:

  • Energy Audit
  • Bench Marking Studies
  • Project/Plant/Process detailed energy Audits & Implementation Assessment
  • Recommendation of Energy mix/Purchase policy for optimum energy cost
  • Baseline Energy Assessment
  • Recommendation for energy efficiency improvement & energy saving.
  • Project implementation,  monitoring and other associated services like;
  • Carbon Foot printing audit
  • Water Audit
  • Energy Audit for govt. Development Agency,  international  buyers
  • Fuel & Electricity Saving Assessment
  • Estimation of Financial Savings & Payback period of industries
  • Steam management survey and improvement planning
  • Carbon reduction plan